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Last updated: 15th May 2018
Press Release

Bangladesh’s humanitarian role and commitments to promote and protect human rights lauded at the UN Human Rights Council

Dhaka 14 May 2018, (Received from Geneva):

The international community has highly appreciated the remarkable humanitarian role of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in providing shelter to the forcibly displaced Rohingyas and continuing humanitarian assistance to them, at the 3rd Cycle Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights records of Bangladesh. The member-states of the UN also commended Bangladesh for its efforts in promoting and protecting human rights for all.

The 3rd Cycle of UPR for Bangladesh was held at the 30th session of Human Rights Council in Geneva today. Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Anisul Huq M.P. led the Bangladesh delegation. State Minister For Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam M.P., Senior Secretary of Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division Mohammad Shahidul Haque, Ambassador Shameem Ahsan, Bangladesh Permanent Representative to UN in Geneva and representatives from various Ministries/Division/agencies participated in the session.

In his opening remarks, Law Minister highlighted Bangladesh’s achievements in promotion and protection of human rights and socio-economic advancements, which have been achieved under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. 107 countries took the floor and praised Bangladesh’s endeavors in fulfilling its human rights commitments. They also put forward recommendations for continuing the initiatives in many areas.

Bangladesh’s comprehensive and informative national report submitted in February 2018, which was prepared through extensive and periodic consultations with relevant stakeholders, has been widely acclaimed. The Member States at the Human Rights Council highly praised Bangladesh’s constructive engagement with the UN Human Rights mechanism, particularly with the UPR process.

Bangladesh’s remarkable social and economic progress over the last decade, especially in the field of women empowerment, social security, health, sanitation, education for all, usage of ICT etc. have been well recognized by the member states during their interventions. The member states made various recommendations to continue Bangladesh’s good practices in upholding the human rights and strengthen efforts in few areas such as accountability of law enforcement agencies, protecting freedom of expression, eliminating child marriage, addressing human trafficking, capacity building of national institutions, and removing discriminations by enacting anti-discrimination act. The member-states acknowledged Bangladesh’s progress in ensuring labour rights and workplace safety and recommended to continue further improve labour issues. A report on Bangladesh’s UPR will be finalized on 17 may 2018 containing recommendations made by countries today.

Law Minister underlined that the coming years in the national life of Bangladesh is extremely crucial in achieving the Vision 2021 and Vision 2041 which will also lead us to a society where all people are treated equally with rights and dignity.
